In this feed you will notice while listening a few missing segments usually 30-45 second spots where it clipped the conversation. The auto commercial(?) from the station must have kicked in. So if you hear something that does not sound right that is probably it.
Show Notes:
Live remote with Matt Moniz and Jeff Belanger at the Mt. Washington Beyond Reality event.
Also, sorry for the large file, due to the live feed the audio was a little shaky at some points and I was afraid that if I re-record it at the normal rate that I post it may compromise it even more so I left it alone.
Length: 1:28:00
Size: 81MB
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Jeff Belanger, Matt Costa, Matt Moniz, Spooky Southcoast,, Tim WeisbergKing Philip's War
Craig Anderson, Our History ProjectHello everyone,
We had Aaron Cadieux on Our History Project. He has been on Spooky Southcoast before with the Bridgewater Triangle and Dark Woods. You have heard the guys talk about King Philips War, the Hockomock Swamp and Anawan Rock.
Now is your chance to hear the story behind the hauntings. This is part one of the King Philips War. Go to Our History Project to download or stream.
Tune in Sunday and I'll try and have SSC up.
Spooky Southcoast Radio 04-18-09
They are back folks! From what I heard when I cut the show they did not have any guest. We're just glad for the return. Enjoy.
Length: 1:08:00
Size: 63MB
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Our History Project – 04-18-09 – Early Baseball with Tim Darnell and Relics with American Digger Magazine
American Digger Magazine, Atlanta Crackers, Baseball, Cassie Barrow, Craig Anderson, Our History, Our History Project,, Tim DarnellThis will be the last full show post on this site of Our History Project. Thanks for your patients while we got things going. I will post the links for the new shows in-case there may be an intrest, but nothing to the extent I am currently doing.
Thanks again
First don't forget to go to our Forum sign up and show us what you have found, tell us what your researching or just reading.
Spring is here! The flowers the showers, the grass, everything is waking up and starting to green. Songs such as “Me and You and a Dog Named Boo” and “Put me in Coach” bring about an almost festive time or feeling in us of an age to remember. With these memories of Spring that comes flooding back during this time of year comes the “Excitement” that the diamond is open and the bases are lined.
Its Baseball again, Folks!What better way to start the season than remembering a little of the past. Our guest this week is Tim Darnell. Tim is the author of “The Crackers, Early Days of Atlanta Baseball.” Tim not only tells us stories of the second most winning-est team in all of professional sports, but gives us an insight to the early days of the game including Professional, Minor League and Negro League Ball.
A link to Amazon and Tim Darnell’s book “The Crackers, Early Days of Atlanta Baseball” can be found here.
This is a show you do not want to miss!
Relics, Detecting, Preserving and Enjoying History
We were also treated to an appearance by Butch Holcombe of “American Digger Magazine”. Not only did American Digger become a Sponsor for the show, supporting our vision of preserving the past but Butch has agreed to join us again for a weekly spot to highlight stories of History and those that relate to Metal Detecting and Relic Hunting, what is being found around the country and how you can catch the bug.
The great thing about Butch and American Digger Magazine is that they are true friends to our history’s past and are very much proponents of Preservation and Education. Their main site can be found at and for being a sponsor they also have a logo placement on each of our pages at so you can find them anytime. Their Our History Project can be found at
We can be found on all podcasting sites including, i-tunes, zune and twitter.
Download this episode (right click and save)
Length 1:17:00
Size 68MB
Show notes:
January 19, 2008 : Dark Woods
"Spooky Southcoast" for January 19, 2008. Topic: "Dark Woods" Guests: Christopher Balzano, Alan Alves, Tim Binnall, "Lucky." We talk with Chris about his book "Dark Woods: Cults, Crime and the Paranormal in the Freetown State Forest," and with former Det. Alves, who investigated many cases in the forest. Binnall ( gives us an update on his new season and the all-new
Length: 1:41:00
Size: 23MB
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Twitter Message from Tim:
"Sorry show tonight. Building staff was down-sized and nobody was there to let us in! We'll reschedule tonight's guest soon."
There Twitter Feed:
I'll post an achieved show later today.
Happy Easter everyone!
Spooky South Coast 4-11-09
The main site says the show will air tonight, Basketball is over so it should happen. Stay tuned.
Our History Project 04-11-09 - Historic Travel - Washington, Georgia
Cassie Barrow, Craig Anderson, Historic, Our History, Our History Project,, Travel, Washington, Wilkes CountyEach year all over the country vacationer’s and history buffs travel the United States. In many of these towns, cities and parishes lies a historical home that prompts visitors to come in, look around and see what life was like in the olden days. Behind the doors of these places we are allowed to go back in time and take a glimpse of who the people were, learn about the families and see what is was like not to have a TV or a computer.
This week we focus on the historical part of travel and invite you to come along with us. We traveled to Historic Washington, Georgia in Wilkes County to tour a very grand old home/museum and see a great collection of artifacts from a day gone by, among them there are 21 hand painted movie posters that were on display at the famous Lowes Grand Theater.
We had a great tour and learned a lot from the first county in Georgia, but we invite you to explore all of our small communities though out the U.S., the stories there are real and the artifacts are real. What better way to learn our heritage than to hold a little of the past in your hands?
To learn more about the Washington-Wilkes Historical Foundation please visit them at or
Length: 1:19:00
Size: 72MB
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No show again tonight folks.
The good news the Tournaments will be complete in 2 days (April 6th). Maybe they can get the live feed working from both ends before the next sporting event interruption.
This was of as this afternoon. Tune in at 10pm just in-case a miracle does happen. Be sure to send a thank you to the guys for trying it.
Our History Project 04-04-09 – Charles Barrow – Korean War
Our History Project, ourhistoryproject.comThis week show focuses on the Korean War and namely Charles Barrow a Navy Medic. The Korean War is also referred as the lost war and it is sad that it is not focused on, hardly at all in our own history. There are a number of sites on the web that tells the story and I have given a few quality sites here that you can visit.
Korean War Project: a little hard to navigate but packed with information of all kinds -
PBS Kids Synopsis of the war with maps - – A lot of great Links and some in depth articles and categories -
The 1950’s in America was a turning point for us where we went from a black and white world to one that was filtered with shades of grey. TV was hitting it’s hay day and reports started to filter in on the world scene, not always pleasant. We went from the Andy Taylors, Honeymooners and edited news reels of the war to a reality of having the war brought home to us nightly. It was nothing comaired to what we have today, but for that time it was remarkable.
Men and women who had suffered through the Second Great War was focusing on families, business and retirement. I was not around then so these are speculations at best, but some I have talked to relate not watching the news because of the images and casualty totals.
It kind of makes you think of – What if CNN was around during any other conflict? The War Between the States where the casualty rate was to a staggering number that in equaled most all other wars together since the beginning of our country. Would the people allow this if it was seen and reported on every night? What about D-Day alone?
This war was in the mist of the Cold War where just the utterance of the word communist would put you at risk. It was the first war that did not have a figure head in person but rather an ideal.
Please go to the forums and let us know your thoughts:
Length: 1:15:01
Size: 30MB
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Is it History or Histroy
Our History Project, ourhistoryproject.comI know a lot of educators will be viewing the sites and blogs over the course of time and misspellings are often looked down upon. That being said I think we should explain why you see it spelled both ways through out our main web addresses.
I have been a web master for a number of years now and while spelling is not one of my strong suits it has been done on purpose. It may not make since to some but it is a strategy that works.
On Feb. 27th I bought the space for the site. The first posting on the site was on or about March 9th, 2009. We had a zero (0) ranking in any search engine. Today is April 3rd and we now hold 5 out of 10 slots on the first page in the google search engine out of (tonight's search)77,900,000 in one search and 98,700,000 in another.
The strategies between hosts, hostings, forums, blogs and podcast are working. In less than 1 month (4 weeks, 3 really) we have increased from 0 in any search to the front page of them all to the tune of at least 77 Million steps. That is a long way for anyone to go.
It may have not been grammatically correct but it did get the job done.
I will keep the proper name from now on.