Sorry for the delay folks, family birthdays and going all weekend.

Show Notes:

2.21.09: He stopped back for a brief visit last Saturday night, but we're bringing him back for the full show! Ghost Hound Patrick Burns joins us to talk about all things paranormal, including his upcoming GhoStock 7 Conference, coming up April 16-19th in Salem, Massachusetts.

Lenght: 1:35

Size: 38.4MB

Download the show. Right click and "Save Target As"


I was sent this today and thought it was very cool. Could it be that the mystery is solved?


Tim had promised and today there was a flurry of activity over on Spooky Southcoast. I think this means that Tim got his laptop back or at least another one and updates are going up. This was the only one that was not available here to date and of coarse it was the one I most wanted to hear. Well wait no longer.

Show Notes:

"Spooky Southcoast" for December 20, 2008. Guest co-host: Jeff Belanger. Guests: Carlston Wood, Mike Markowicz, Andrew Lake. We discuss our investigation of the Fearing Tavern in Wareham, MA. Built in 1693, we were the first paranormal investigators to ever check out the building, and we got some really cool EVPs you just have to hear! In addition, we debut Jeff's holiday recording, "My Christmas Tree is Haunted."

Lenght: 1:08

Size: 15.6MB

Download the show. Right click and "Save Target As."


I am posting this here in-case no one reads the reply posted to the great question brought up in the comments section in reference to contacting WBSM to allow Spooky Southcoast to continue thier show online during the Basketball finals in March even if you do not live in the range of thier live feed (State or Country). And, yes it will be most of the month. Which will mean no show during that time.

"It sure would, what we are asking is for the stream beyond thier signal to be used to reach this shows audience, that being us. And, inturn may make them realize that they have a Larger one than they had thought. Which could make it more appealing to advertisers, which mean more money. Just think (and I don't know) but Spooky Southcoast could be reaching as large of an listenership online as they do locally with other programing. If it were my business I sure would like to hear that.

Go ahead and do it, I registerd mine and I'm in McDonough, GA, so I'm not in thier local target area either. Lets see what happens. I suspect they will hear coins dropping both ways."

Click here to follow the links. I have written a request that can be copied and pasted if you prefer.


Don't forget to contact WBSM about letting the guys host the show online during March Basketball. Details on who and even the text to send is in my last post. I have tried to make it super easy, so take the 3 minutes and send it in please.

Show Notes:

After spending Valentine's Day with the person of your dreams, tune into "Spooky Southcoast" to learn more about nightmares. With guest co-host Jeff Belanger making his montly visit, we'll talk about sleep paralysis and the power of nightmares with the guys from Soul Smack, Paul Taitt and Andrew Barnes. They've produced the shocking new documentary "Your Worst Nightmare: Supernatural Assault," and you won't believe what they've discovered may be attacking us in our sleep! Be sure to check out the trailer on their website.

Lenght: 1:39

Size: 39MB

Download the show. Right click and "Save Target As".


I made it easy just read on.

Hey everyone, I finally got a chance to listen to the show. If you missed it download it and give it a listen. The topic was and is "Why or Why don't you believe?"

The other thing of note is their may be a chance that WBSM will let Spooky Southcoast remain airing online during the March Madness Basketball Finals which will take a better part of a month to complete that means no show. But in order to make that happen we need requests from you. The Basketball games are not allowed on air through the Internet feed because of rights issues.

Lets make this happen. Below is the link to make the request to Pete Braley, Programming Director:

First higlight this text, right click and choose copy:

" I am requesting that Spooky Southocast show be allowed to remain on as a podcast (internet) show during the basketball finals. Since the basketball will black out the live feed please let Spooky Southcoast remain on the feed. We want more."

Next click this link:


Paste it into the comment field, fill out the other small portion and submit.

Come on folks we can do this. I don't want a month to go by without a show. Take 3 minutes and just do it.

If you would prefer to call Pete - Business line: 508-993-1767 x3032 Pete Braley.


There were no show notes for tonights broadcast. I listened to the first 6 minutes and it seems that the topic will be:

Why do you believe and/or Why don't you believe.

Sounds like an interesting show that I wish I had caught first hand. Give it a listen and drop a note to the guys on your input. You are always welcome to post a comment here as well as the Spooky Forum.

Have a great week everyone.

Lenght: 1:39


Download the show. Right Click and "Save Target As"


Everyone drive safe and enjoy the Super bowl Parties tonight.

The show was interupted by a hard break on the web feed around 1:12 and agian at 1:29into the show that cut off part of the dialog.

Matt Moniz was out in the field tonight.

Show Notes:

1.31.09: We'll talk with psychic detective Annette Martin about utilizing her psychic abilities to aid criminal investigations, plus discuss some of the famous haunted locations she's explored. She'll also offer up readings for the callers as well!

Lenght: 1:39

Size: 39MB

Download the show. Right click and Save Target As.